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Friday, January 06, 2006


I was going to take some pictures of some pretty flowers, but ball here decided to get in the way of everything.
Here you can see it taking a nice nature walk, crossing over a twisty bridge of some sort.
At the end of the bridge, it wandered off down a trial. Don't worry, it didn't stop to eat any red berries this time. I know. Last time was pretty disgusting, if you can imagine.
It's a pretty good ball. I shouldn't complain - although it can be pretty annoying.

Here you can see it enjoying the creek...

Ending up once again on another trail...

Oh whoops. This one is from last winter. Hehehe. How'd that get in there?

Oh so this one, the ball was having some issues. It was pissed about something. Come to think of it, I never knew about what. Huh. What a little bitch.

And here it is with some friends, taking a nice dip in the Bethlehem canal.

And finally, it rides off into the sunset. What a cliche.

One, big, happy little ball.
What's your ball been up to?


Siamese were initially described as.... "An unnatural, nightmare kind of cat"

q-full400, originally uploaded by spookalot.

This beautiful face describes what all cats are thinking...

q-400, originally uploaded by spookalot.

'If I was 10 times my size, I'd eat you.'