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Monday, January 30, 2006

I know I'm behind in posting and just as behind in visiting....

No excuse to give you for that concerning the weekend. I was... you know... busy. But now, although I would love to talk, I am busting me bum to get a whole lot of work finished at work, including the largest of our three ads out a whole day early, so I can take a -






I've got this Friday and Monday off just so long as I can get my work done.

Mark my words. It will be done. *Get those pom-poms in the air people. I'm gonna need 'em!*

Then I can post. And visit. And post and visit and visit and post.

So hang in there kitties, I'll be back.

Hey, I'm gonna be 35. I can do this shit. But if the suffering is just too much and you need my precious words to inspire you throughout the day, then you can read the post before this one. You know the one - it's the one I wrote on Friday that nobody read... Yeah. That's the one.