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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I finally got ahold of a digital camera!

And believe me, I took advantage of it. So be prepared. I'm about to bore you to death with all the things I've talked about that I only wish you could have seen... So, here we go...

Here is my ROCK.

Wait for it - wait for it -
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Now THAT'S awesome.

Okay, here is my alligator. Didn't know I had one, did you?
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Well, I do. Please don't be jealous.

Okay. Here are my No Parking signs.... How BIG and WHITE and RED with SLASHY P THINGY does something have to be?? Oh, and those are my vicious guard dogs...
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Now tell me, with a face like that - would YOU park here??
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Lucky shot - He must have been bite'n his lip, 'cause Oz don't growl.

Ah yes. Here is Chauncey, the little bastard (a.k.a. Papa Q). Almost didn't recognize him without a thorn bush on top of him, did ya?

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Call him old and asthmatic, but don't you dare call him sterile. After two years of shoot'n blanks, Papa Q and Mama Q just popped out two more...

Ahhh, aint they just the cutest!
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Note Ozzy Osborne raising holy hell in the background. He was particularly happy about the kitties.

And here is the little prince himself, Q (shown here with camera flash eyes.) Could his whiskers be ANY longer?
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And Bubby Jack...
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And Oz striking a pose...
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My roses...
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Our goldfish...
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the Shabumkin...
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And the pond they live in...
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Please ignore the hose... Hey! There's your rock Vicki! See it? The big pretty gray one on top... Yup, that's Vicki's rock.
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Wait! There's more...


Blogger Sp00kalot said...

And you can HAVE one! For only seven hundrend and twenty easy payments of only $19.95 for 7 years!!!

11:26 AM  
Blogger amarkonmywall said...

Whoa! And I didn't even see this before I gave you Kodachrome! What kind of karma is that? These are great, Amy. I love getting a glimpse of your life. Everything but the dog's crotch. Can I have a kitten?

Send it along with the lovely rock.
And you know pond ecology- I'm very very impressed. In awe of you!

9:12 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Wow!! Such compliments on the pond! You should have seen it before when we first moved in. Would you believe the entire thing was covered in brick? I dug 'em all up, yes I did. Last week they were repaving the road out front, and what do you think was under the black top? You got it. BRICKS. Must have been a thing back in the day.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Wow, that is awesome! You didn't have a digital camera before?

I love the kittens and the dogs and the alligator and everything!

Can I have the other kitten?

Shhh... don't tell Dereck I asked for it!

2:02 PM  

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