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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I would like to announce that for the first EVER....

I won at Scrabble....

By using all 7 letters...

On my very first turn...

What was the word, you ask? Well, I will tell you. It was -


8 points (double letter on the A)

And I almost did it again in second game. And yes, we did play a second game, you see, because the first one was over so fast, because I WON, right away, with SADISTS.

I'm curious though. Is there another word I could have spelled? Anyone? Anyone?



Blogger Granny said...

Nice going.

I thought the D was worth more than 1 point but it's been a while.

Still I don't remember ever using all seven.

5:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's pretty damn cool if you ask me :)

9:25 AM  

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