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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Yup. That about sums it up....

I got these pictures in an email - chances are you got 'em too. I thought they went pretty well with my redneck episode from yesterday.

I personally think Rednecks are ingenious thinkers. I didn't say they were genius... Just very creative imaginations. And I believe I am guilty of a few of these things myself.

Not this particular creation, however.

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Redneck Bass Boat - looks a little unsturdy... but okay. Perfect for those of us on a budget.

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Redneck Gas Grill - not a bad idea, I tell you what.
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Redneck Horseshoes - if I cant get a ringer with these, I should just give up now.
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Redneck Lawnmower - now that's what I'm talking about!

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Redneck Weather Station - I've been using similar concepts for quite some time now.

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My personal favorite - Redneck Pet Carrier - I've used empty Busch boxes for worse things.

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Redneck Gingerbread House - this pretty much describes my yard... except I don't see any spare radiators sitting around. Where are the radiators?

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Redneck Wedding Reception - I wish I looked that good in my dress. At least I had cows at my wedding. And for our anniversary, we drank champagne from flutes while sitting in lawnchairs at the Nascar.

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Redneck Cat - I have four of these. This is why the dishes are never done when I get home.

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Redneck Guest Bedrooms - okay, where else should they sleep?

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Redneck Palm Pilot - see? they came up with it first.

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Redneck Powerball Winner - Sooo, what's the problem?
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See? Ingenious. May be a little rough around the edges, but pretty damn creative. You can call me a redneck, but dont you dare call me a hick.


Blogger Granny said...

I think my personal favorite is the redneck cat carrier.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like the chick doing a handstand on the keg mahself...reminds me of me in my younger days :)

9:59 AM  

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