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Monday, March 13, 2006

Illustration Friday - topic:


The actual tattoo is towards the bottom. Although I never thought of it as a "large" design, others seem to think so.

For Illustration Friday, I've turned it into more of a collage.

Now. I would call THAT a large tattoo.


Blogger HARDWAX said...

This is very strange and intrigueing, beautiful detail and look to it.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Me too. Both my sons and their dad were covered with tattoos in some very odd places.

That's lovely as always.

4:31 PM  
Blogger The Unknown said...


5:08 PM  
Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Ouch. That would indeed hurt. In a good way of course.

6:56 PM  
Blogger carla said...

Thee's all kinds of stuff going on here's like an underground mystical kingdom! There are so many wonderful, intricate details...which one is the tatoo? Is it the celtic piece?

8:59 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Hey guys thanks for all your comments :) To answer Carla, the actual tattoo is the whole piece at the bottom with the goyle on the stump and all the celtic swirls and viney things coming out to the sides, and the triquetra interlocked with the OM on top. And to answer Abi, I designed the tattoo myself. The tattoo guy who inked it is Shane O'neil. He owns Studio One Tattoo in Norwood, PA. He is very good with detail!

8:53 AM  

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