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Friday, April 01, 2005

That's South Side talk for 'Happy April Fool's Day everyone'. Our school systems must be so proud.

I ran into my first April Fools joke of the morning when my coworker told me Britney Spears had given birth to triplets… I told her that was impossible since only yesterday the rumor was she was pregnant by only by a couple months or something. But she insisted it was true and showed me the newspaper to prove it - Welllll, if its in the newspaper, it MUST be true… then when I read that two of the names Britney picked out were Peach and Pocahontas, I said Nooo Wayyy (although, Ms. Paltrow could prove me wrong on that.) I flipped the top of the paper up to see “APRIL FOOLS! There is absolutely no truth to these Dish items”.

Well April Fools to my coworker as she’s out spreading the news to the entire building, ‘cause if she can fall for that bull crap, then I’m not showing her the headline.

Am I mean or what?


Blogger Jen said...

you're not mean-- she is an idiot!!!

1:17 PM  
Blogger Holy Schmidt said...


I wish Mrs. Spears would leave this planet. I'm so tired of seeing her whitetrash-ed-ness all over the magazine covers. Gross.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Now now. We must'nt put white trash down. After all, I believe my lawn of two radiators, pile of carpet, Mustang planter, and stack of tires qualify me as one in the same.

I may be a redneck, but don't you dare call me a hick.

3:52 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

You're a hick.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Yeah, well at least I don't have sex with my brother.


12:37 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

I don't have sex with my brother either!!!

2:21 AM  
Blogger shane said...

Girls, girls. Calm down. No one is having sex with their brother. That is just wrong. I think it is great though that your co-worker is a dork. So what abour Britney. I love her as should everyone. She is the musician of our time. She is the next Janet Jackson. Pop the boobs out honey. It'll make you a star.

4:35 AM  

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