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Thursday, February 16, 2006


I don't find myself taking too many pictures of city life - Although there are many interesting things that happen there, I am partial to the type of wildlife that grows fur and walks on four legs (for the most part.) But here I caught myself walking the streets of San Francisco and this has become one of my favorite shots...

sanfran-350-crp, originally uploaded by spookalot.
For our first wedding anniversary, I bought two tickets to a September 49er's game against the Browns in the one and only 3Com Park... It had always been a dream of his, one that he never thought would ever come true. Plus, I thought the tickets would be appropiate being that your first anniversary is supposed to be paper.
The 49ers lost, of course, but it was an amazing feeling to be sitting there with them while they were losing. I can remember taking our first step into the stadium and how breathtaking it was! It was also a surprising 95 degrees in the Bay, which is not too common. Did we have hats or sunblock? No - but I had lots of football stickers all over my face so the tan lines were very interesting and Earl had a great excuse to pay $30 for a 49ers baseball hat.
We had box seats just a few rows back from the end zone. I had my new (at the time) 35mm Canon Rebel EOS Ti and a 300mm zoom with me to get shots of the game. Got a couple good ones too but its hard when fans keep jumping up in front of you. They spill your beer alot too.
I always like to brag about this being one of the cooler ideas I've had. I mean, how many wives buy their husbands football tickets on their first anniversary? Yeah, I'm still patting myself on the back for that one...
Although Earl lived in California briefly when he was a just a wee baby boy, he hadn't ever revisited nor had I ever set foot in that great state. I definately would recommend San Fran to anybody looking for a great vacation. It was a fun town with LOTS to do and see! Just try not to leave your $50 worth of chocolate in the taxi cause you'll never see it again.
And who knows, I may just take some more pictures of city life. Bethlehem is a pretty crazy little town too - guess I could start there.


Blogger Granny said...

If that's a shot from the top of the California Street Hill, my former office building is there somewhere. It's the one we used call "tweezer towers". Part of it houses the Mandarin Hotel.

Love San Francisco and thought I'd never leave but it finally became a choice of rent or food. Shame on them.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

I dont know what that street is called. We were crossing it, thats about it. I stopped suddenly to snap a shot before getting run over. I got lucky cause it was pretty centered. Actually, its very centered - the street isnt straight!

Thats a shame you had to leave. Some places are just too expensive to live. Dont even think about living in NYC!!!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Granny said...

If it had cable cars running down the middle, it's California Street. Looks like it anyhow.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

I just looked at it again. Of course those are cable car tracks.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Yes they are cable car tracks. I think you're going to think more about that picture than the Intellegence Test!

8:57 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Not that thats a bad thing! If I can creat a photo that makes you think about it for long periods of time, then my job is done.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

I climbed that hill a few times in my younger foolish days and worked in at least 4 different office buildings on California over the years.

There's a lovely park about halfway up with a huge statue of Sun-Yat-Sen and an old red brick church (Old St. Mary's) right across the street. People are in the park every morning doing tai-chi.

I know, I'm obsessive.

I think I'll go cry now.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Yes, you should take pictures of Bethlehem because other cities are overdone. You have a chance to make your own mark.

But this shot in SF is just lovely.

You need to get cards off to Carousel cards, girlie!

2:18 PM  

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