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Friday, July 22, 2005

Adventures in Drywalling

Isn't it just the most beautifulest?
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OOooo! Look at the hotty sitting on the couch!

Afterall, that's all one really ever needs - a big TV, a DVD/surround sound system, and a hotty on the couch. Throw in a pooch, a Siamese, and a copper fridge filled with beer, and you've got yourself a palace!


Blogger Unknown said...

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2:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And the dog is quite fetching as well :D

2:22 PM  
Blogger amarkonmywall said...

okay- I can't blow up this picture. Your house looks very very cool, even with that contagious disease on the walls. But I can't really get a fix on the hotty...

1:54 AM  
Blogger Holy Schmidt said...

Ma'am, when you're done with the drywalling adventures at your house, come to Dallas. I'm gonna put you two to work!

3:41 PM  

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