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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

'Cause This Guy Said So.

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What comes over a person? I found myself pigging out on apple cinnamon rice cakes today. Couldn't stop eating them. I even chose them over the chocolate bon-bons on my desk... because I WANTED to! I wanted the rice cakes MORE. Which is a good thing, I guess. But eating a ton of rice cakes isn't necessarily a great thing either, and I was drowning in little white cinnamony styrofoam balls...

Then I looked up from my miserable hole of gluttony and was trapped in his gaze...

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He was right.

I was bad... weak...
hysterical in my indulgence. And he was amused by me, snickered, if you will. He sat with evil grin, almost as if he were pleased...

But none the less, he was laughing and he was right to do so.

And I was ashamed.

I tossed the ricey cake of temptation aside and dropped to my knees.

And I wept.

Then I prayed. I asked for strength against such evils as rice cakes, and prayed that no white cheddar cakes would cross my path. I prayed that they would stop putting them in the store and that they would stop making me buy them to fill empty promises of thin thighs and a flat tummy.

He sat and he stared at me and that was all the answer I needed. I brushed my shirt off and sat back down in my chair...

And I took another bite of my apple cinnamon rice cake.

Then, I smiled. Because who really gives a damn and I could be eating worse and for all I knew the little guy was smiling at me because I was eating well...

Yes. That's what he was doing.



Blogger Jen said...

Sometimes I think they need to put somebody in that office with you, Amy, just as a sanity check. :)

10:33 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Hehehe, what. And keep me from talking to myself? Actually I do share my office with somebody. And sometimes I really wish she wasn't there because it's like having a roommate and I want to throw things at her head.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, you! I love checking in here- never know what the insanity du jour will be. I think you could eat a LOT of rice cakes and not put on weight. I like to think the same about jujubees because they are so teeny tiny. But now that I found a secret source to buy them in bulk (not Sam's Club and I can't tell FG) I'm starting to think that having a 5# bag next to my office chair isn't helping on the weight front. It does keep me from smarting off to whiners; I just say mm-mmm, thoughtfully. Cuz my teeth are stuck together.

9:52 AM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

Snort! He's cute.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Mmm jujubees... except for the green ones... I've actually always been a Dot person myself. I ate a whole box of them on my way to have blood drawn to check my sugar. When they read the results, they thought I was about to go into a coma. I didn't know you were supposed to fast first. Or at least not eat Dots before hand.

He is cute, isn't he? A coworker found him in a Quik Check of all places and got him for me because she knows I LURVE gargoyles. I feel so special.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Dot thing is called a brainfart. FG stopped first at A&W, then at Dairy Queen just prior to his 50 year physical where they diagnosed him with Type II diabetes.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

THAT IS SO FUNNY!! And you're right! That was a brainfart for FG and myself!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Apparently Quik Chek sells them. Go figure. Pick yourself up one and keep in your purse for now. It's heavy so can double as a weapon in dark allies.

8:50 AM  

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